Launched!! Together with my colleagues Lucas Bacci, Thuane Bochorny, Fabián Michelangeli, Vinicius Brito and Ana Flávia Caetano, I have initiated a new online seminar series on Melastomataceae! Inspired by the fantastic Solanaceae seminar series, we thought it is high time to provide a similar platform for the exchange of ideas, results and discussions on Melastomataceae. Please don’t hesitate to join our seminars, no matter what career stage you are at, and contact us if you want to give a talk! Let’s keep the spirit of fruitful scientific exchange up during Covid19, and demonstrate what Covid19 taught us: that scientific exchange is possible across borders while reducing our CO2-footprint by not taking planes – AND making science more accessible to those of us who don’t have big travel funds, family obligations at home, …