Meet the Dellinger lab members!
Agnes S. Dellinger (PI, ORCID)
PhD, University of Vienna, Austria, 2019
MSc, University of Lund, Sweden/University of Vienna, Austria, 2013
BSc, University of Vienna, Austria, 2010
Agnes is an enthusiastic evolutionary ecologist and fell in love with buzz-pollination and Melastomataceae during her undergrad on a field course in Costa Rica. She has since worked on understanding patterns of flower evolution, flower trait functioning and environmental triggers of pollinator shifts (or lacks thereof!) in Melastomataceae. Agnes has spent more than a year working in the rainforests of Ecuador, Costa Rica, Colombia and Peru, and recently completed her postdoc project (as PI on T-1186) in the lab of Stacey Smith at CU Boulder, USA. Agnes has also participated in several projects on her native Alpine flora, with the most fun projects for her being high-elevation vegetation relevés that require long hikes and scrambles to get to. CV

Constantin Kopper (PhD Candidate)
MSc, University of Vienna, Austria, 2021
BSc, University of Vienna, Austria, 2018
Constantin did his BSc in zoology and switched to botany for his MSc, where he worked on pollination syndromes in four Neotropical Melastomataceae tribes which have shifted pollinators, combining fieldwork in Colombia and Costa Rica with comparative morphological analyses. In 2021, he started his PhD working on pantropical pollination syndromes in Melastomataceae on a family wide scale including macroevolutionary and biogeographic questions. When he is not working on Melastomataceae, Constantin likes to go hiking and backcountry snowboarding, gardening, and he also produces sausages and bacon. Constantin is co-advised by Jürg Schönenberger.

Ben Lazarus (PhD student)
PhD Materials Science, UC San Diego, USA, 2022
MS Materials Science, UC San Diego, USA
BSc, College of William and Mary, Wiliamsburg, USA, 2019
Ben is a doctoral student in the Dellinger lab studying the diversification of buzz pollinated Melastomataceae. Prior to joining the lab in 2023, he completed an M.S. and Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering under Professor Marc Meyers at the University of California San Diego where he studied structure-property relationships in biological materials like jackfruit, horse hooves, and arapaima scales with a focus on their dynamic mechanical behavior. Ben aims to combine the techniques he learned in his previous research with fieldwork and phylogenetic comparative methods to better understand the radiation of floral morphologies through evolutionary time.

Viktoria Wieser (MSc student and Research assistant)
Viki did her BSc at University of Vienna in Biology with the specialisation Botany and is now doing her Masters also in Botany. She is helping the lab counting pollen, both from stamens and on stigmas of Melastomataceae, to assess how much pollen is in a stamen, how much pollen do bees extract by buzzing and how much pollen gets transferred to stigmas. She is particularly interested in plant-animal interactions since doing internships in agricultural research. Prior to working in our lab Viki had worked at AGES (Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety) with plant parasitic nematodes, fruit flies and other plant pathogens, furthering her interest in herbivory. Her Bachelor thesis was on the topic of specialised metabolites that could protect plants from generalist herbivores such as Spodoptera littoralis. She is doing her Master thesis with Agnes on domatia in Pyxidantheae, a tribe of Melastomataceae, and their mite inhabitants.
In her free time Viki likes to do creative things like paint and sew and on the days she needs to let go of pent-up energy she plays icehockey, goes bouldering or inlineskating.

Fabian Polz (MSc student and Research assistant)
Fabian is really interested in the interconnectedness of biological systems. He wrote his bachelor thesis on pollen release patterns of buzz-pollinated flowers with different architectures with Agnes, and is currently working in the lab as a research assistant helping with µCT scanning and analyses of 3D flower models. He is currently working on his MSc thesis using µCT scans of Merianieae flowers to analyse how stamen volumes change with pollinators shifts and among bee-pollinated Merianieae. Besides science, Fabian is very passionate about dancing (waacking) and training for dancing competitions.

Manuela Villa-Villegas (freelance reserach assistant)
Manuela completed her BSc in biology in Colombia, and is now a MSc student in Ecology and Ecosystems from the University of Vienna. She is passionate about exploring the interactions between living organisms that have shaped our planet’s remarkable biodiversity. She is currently working in the lab analyzing 3D models of stamens from various species in the Melastomataceae family to investigate how stamen biomechanical properties influence pollen release in buzz-pollinated flowers.

Johan Esteban Urrea Cardenas (PhD student)
MSc, Pontifica Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, 2023
Johan’s research focuses on the evolution and diversity of the Neotropical tribe Pyxidantheae (Melastomataceae), alongside the systematics and taxonomy of the tribe. Johan is interested in exploring the relationship between reproductive structures (flowers and fruits) and their interactions with pollinators, dispersers, and environmental variables from both macro- and microevolutionary perspectives. His goal is to understand how the mosaics of pollinators and dispersers have shaped the diversity of the tribe across its geographical distribution.

César Augusto Arvelos (PhD student)
MSc, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil (2023)
BSc, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil (2021)
César is a PhD student working on the MountBuzz project, exploring how plant-pollinator interactions evolve across tropical mountain gradients. He’s particularly fascinated by the buzz-pollination system. During his undergraduate studies, he developed an innovative method using bioacoustics to identify bee species through the sounds they produce while pollinating poricidal flowers. This project laid the foundation for his MSc, where he investigated how sound complexity predicts bee diversity and linked it to male fitness in plants, providing evidence for an optimal vibrational niche in buzz-pollinated species. When he’s not in the field or analyzing data, César enjoys playing music, reading poetry, gaming, and spending time with friends.

Isadora Skudelny (Research assistant)
Isadora did her Bachelor of Science in Biology, specializing in Ecology and Marine Biology at the University of Vienna. In her Masters degree “Ecology and Ecosystems”, she shifted her focus to working with insects, especially grasshoppers and nocturnal moths (Erebidae: Arctiinae). Now, in Agnes’ lab, she is assisting in two projects about buzz-pollination (FWF project “Flower biomechanics and the buzz-pollination niche”, ERC project MountBuzz), be it in the field, collecting the data or in front of the laptop doing evaluations. Besides the academic sphere, she also has years of experience working in the Austrian climate- and energy funding sector for the climate ministry. Her free time consists in practising yoga, freediving or playing board games with friends.

Katharina Kagerl (MSc student)
Katharina started working with Agnes in spring 2020 to investigate the pollination biology of the pollination-generalist Phyteuma orbiculare (Campanulaceae). Specifically, she explores how pollinator communities in P. orbiculare change along an elevational gradient in the Eastern Alps close to Vienna. Katharina is co-advised by Jürg Schönenberger and currently also works for the GLORIA project at BOKU.

Paula Huber (MSc student)
Paula started working with Agnes in fall 2020 to study pollination syndromes in the Ranunculaceae genus Clematis. She focuses on the four Austrian Clematis species, comparing pollinator compositions of each of the three species with more restricted ranges (C. alpina, C. integrifolia, C. recta) co-occurring with the very widespread C. vitalba.

Former lab members
Karen Pérez (BSc student at UNAM, México, internship)
Karen did an internship with Agnes in fall 2023 to analyse her own field data on pollinator dependence along an elevational gradient in Mexico, and to explore pollinator dependence and efficiency in the genus Rhexia via pollen counting.

Karolina Gwardiak (MSc, Erasmus internship)
After graduating with a degree in environmental protection from the University of Warsaw, Karolina looked for inspiration and new challenges in the science world. She joined Agnes’ lab from October 2023 to March 2024 for an Erasmus internship. She helped with ongoing projects in the lab, but mostly her work focused on pollinator sharing of co-flowering Rhexia species. She explored how co-flowering affects pollination performance, visitation rate, and pollinator diversity in Rhexia mariana and presented her results at Ecoflor2024 and heped write up a manuscript.

Ash Kerber (BSc student at CU Boulder with Stacey Smith; co-advised)
Ash is excited about bugs and is working in the entomological collections of the Natural History Museum at CU Boulder while doing her undergrad there. She joined Agnes to do fieldwork in Florida in July 2022 to work on buzz-pollination of the Melastomataceae genus Rhexia, and decided to continue working on this system for her Honors thesis in summer 2023! Ash also loves to climb, and drinking coffee 😉