

28. Barreto E, et al. 2024. Macroevolution of the plant-hummingbird pollination system. Biological Reviews.

27. Reginato M, Ordónez-Parra CA, Messeder JVS, Brito VLG, Dellinger AS, Kriebel R, Marra C, et al. 2024. MelastomaTRAITs 1.0: A Database of Functional Traits in Melastomataceae, a Large Pantropical Angiosperm Family. Ecology e4308.

26. Kopper C, Schönenberger J, Dellinger AS. 2024. High floral disparity without pollinator shifts in buzz-pollinated Melastomataceae. New Phytologist

25. Dellinger AS, Lagomarsino L, Michelangeli FA, Dullinger S, Smith S. 2024. The sequential direct and indirect effects of mountain uplift, climatic niche and floral trait evolution on the diversification dynamics of an Andean plant clade. Systematic Biology 10.1093/sysbio/syae011.


24. Opedal HØ, Pérez‐Barrales R, Brito VLG, Muchhala N, Dellinger AS. 2023. Pollen as the link between floral phenotype and fitness. American Journal of Botany 110.

23. Dellinger AS, Hamilton AM, Wessinger CA, Smith SD. 2023. Opposing patterns of altitude-driven pollinator turnover in the tropical and temperate Americas. American Naturalist. (view pdf)

22. Dellinger AS, Hanusch D, Oswald M, Fernández-Fernández DM, Schönenberger J. 2023. Is there an optimal floral shape in large-flowered buzz-pollinated Melastomataceae? American Journal of Botany. (view pdf)

21. Tenhumberg B, Dellinger AS, Smith SD. 2023. Modeling pollinator and non-pollinator selection on flower color variation. Journal of Ecology.


20. Dellinger AS, Kopper C, Kagerl K, Schönenberger J. 2022. Pollination in Melastomataceae: a family-wide update on the little we know and the much that remains to be discovered. In: Systematics, Evolution and Ecology of Melastomataceae. Goldenberg R, Almeda F, Michelangeli FA (eds.), Springer. (view pdf)

19. Michelangeli FA, Dellinger AS, Goldenberg R, Almeda F, Mendoza-Cifuentes H, Fernández-Fernández DM, Ulloa Ulloa C, Penneys DS. 2022. Phylogenetics and taxonomy of Merianieae. In: Systematics, Evolution and Ecology of Melastomataceae. Goldenberg R, Almeda F, Michelangeli FA (eds.), Springer.

18. Dellinger AS, Paun O, Baar J, Temsch EM, Fernández-Fernández DM, Schönenberger J. 2022. Population structure in Neotropical plants: Integrating pollination biology, topography and climatic niches. Molecular Ecology. (view pdf)



17. Valverde Espinoza JM, Chacón E, Rodríguez OA, Dellinger AS. 2021. The predictive power of pollination syndromes: passerine-pollination in heterantherous Meriania macrophylla (Benth.) Triana (Melastomataceae). Ecology and Evolution. (view pdf)

16. Dellinger AS, Artuso S, Fernández-Fernández DM, Schönenberger J. 2021. Stamen dimorphism in bird-pollinated flowers – investigating alternative hypotheses on the evolution of heteranthery. Evolution. (view pdf)

15. Dellinger AS, Pérez-Barrales R, Michelangeli FA, Penneys DS, Fernández-Fernández DM, Schönenberger J. 2021. Low bee visitation rates explain pollinator shifts to vertebrates in tropical mountains. New Phytologist. (view pdf)

14. Bochorny T, Bacci L, Dellinger AS, Michelangeli FA, Goldenberg R, Brito V. 2021. Connective appendages in Huberia bradeana (Melastomataceae) affect pollen release during buzz pollination. Plant Biology. (view pdf)

13. Kanduth L, Chartier M, Schönenberger J, Dellinger AS. 2021. Red and white clover provide food resources for honeybees and wild bees in urban environments. Nordic Journal of Botany. (view pdf)


12. Fernández-Fernández DM, Jost L, Dellinger AS. 2020. Two new species of Meriania (Melastomataceae) from Ecuador. Phytotaxa. (view pdf)

11. Dellinger AS. 2020. Pollination syndromes in the 21st century – time to connect pollinators, flowers and phylogenies. New Phytologist Invited Tansley review. (view pdf)


10. Dellinger AS, Artuso S, Pamperl S, Michelangeli FA, Penneys DS, Fernández-Fernández DM, Alvear M, Almeda F, Armbruster WS, Staedler Y, Schönenberger J. 2019. Floral modularity increases rate of evolution and adaptive success for functionally specialized pollination systems. Communications Biology 2: 453. (view pdf)

9. Dellinger AS, Pöllabauer L, Loreti M, Czurda J, Schönenberger J. 2019. Testing functional hypotheses on poricidal anther dehiscence and heteranthery in buzz-pollinated flowers. Acta ZooBot Austria 159:197-214. (view pdf)

8. Dellinger AS, Scheer LM, Artuso S, Fernández-Fernández D, Sornoza F, Penneys DS, Tenhaken R, Dötterl S, Schönenberger J. 2019. Bimodal pollination systems in Andean Melastomataceae involving birds, bats and rodents. American Naturalist 194: 104-116. (view pdf)

7. Dellinger AS, Chartier M, Fernández-Fernández D, Penneys DS, Alvear M, Almeda F, Michelangeli FA, Staedler Y, Armbruster WS, Schönenberger J. 2019. Beyond buzz-pollination – departures from an adaptive plateau lead to new pollination syndromes. New Phytologist 221: 1136-1149. (view pdf)


6. Kirchheimer B, Wessely J, Gattringer A, Hülber K, Moser D, Schinkel CCF, Appelhans M, Klatt S, Caccianiga M, Dellinger AS, Guisan A, Kuttner M, Lenoir J, Maiorano L, Nieto-Lugilde D, Plutzar C, Svenning JC, Willner W, Hörandl E, Dullinger S. 2018. Reconstructing geographical parthenogenesis: effects of niche differentiation and reproductive mode on Holocene range expansion of an alpine plant. Ecology Letters 21: 392–401. (view pdf)


5. Schinkel C, Kirchheimer B, Dellinger AS, Klatt S, Winkler M, Dullinger S, Hörandl E. 2016. Correlations of polyploidy and apomixis with elevation and associated environmental gradients in an alpine plant. Annals of Botany Plants doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plw064. (view pdf)

4. Dellinger AS, Essl F, Hojsgaard D, Kirchheimer B, Klatt S, Dawson W, Pergl J, Pyšek P, van Kleunen M, Weber E, Winter M, Hörandl E, Dullinger S. 2016. Niche dynamics of alien species do not differ among sexual and apomictic flowering plants. New Phytologist 209: 1313-1323. (view pdf)

3. Kirchheimer B, Schinkel C, Dellinger AS, Klatt S, Moser D, Winkler M, Lenoir J, Caccianiga M, Guisan A, Nieto-Lugilde D, Svenning JC, Thuiller W, Vittoz P, Willner W, Zimmermann NE, Hörandl E, Dullinger S. 2016. A matter of scale: Apparent niche differentiation of diploid and tetraploid plants may depend on extent and grain of analysis. Journal of Biogeography 43: 716-726. (view pdf)

pre 2016

2. Dellinger AS, Penneys DS, Städler YM, Fragner L, Weckwerth W, Schönenberger J. 2014. A specialized bird pollination system with a bellows mechanism for pollen transfer and staminal food body rewards. Current Biology 24: 1615-1619. (view pdf)

1. Dellinger A, Berger A. 2009. Vergesellschaftung, Habitatspezifität und pflanzensoziologische Bewertung der Vorkommen von Trifolium saxatile im Schalftal, Ötztaler Alpen, Tirol. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. 146:125-138. (view pdf, Bachelor thesis)